Saturday, June 27, 2009
OMG finally have the full collection of twilight series....... Which also marked a long and tedious wait for "Midnight Sun". Got eclipse finally, in the price of Rm25, in that very second, feeling-that-I-am-the-luckiest nearly makes me yell, I better sit down.....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
is it me, or is that "thing" simply beautiful and depressing
it effectively makes me go all effete and forlorn..this ineradicable addiction-slash-solace
and yet, i get the coherent message in unequivocal terms
i've sunk in so deep, too deep, adhered
last but not least

Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Eragon, my mind soaked deeply in different events where the story had been. Boisterous atmosphere; their deep-seated hatred for darkness. Their arduous journey; wars to be faced with a vengeance; the voice of victory as justice took in. A very hypnotic story indeed.
As each event of the story revealed, exclamations of admiration followed. Two thumbs up with the flawless collaboration of Adam Lambert's MAD WORLD.
I like the characters to spring to life as whole human beings, not puppets dancing to some author's pipe. I like action, but not gratuitously strewn; it has to make sense & reflect the characters' attitudes & needs.
I suspect such pat truisms rarely hold much truth. I began reading horror fiction and science fiction by 10, and "grew" into fantasy. What I read in between, as an adolescent, is something I cannot return to with nostalgic delight.
Heroic fantasy like Eragon first struck a note of harmony in me. Such harmony might be discovered at any age. Since most people have reached a high reading ability by age twelve or never, chances are good that readers will indeed hit upon their own magic genre at this time.
Whatever we prefer to read is connected to our lifelong experience. If our experience is varied, our reading tastes will be likewise. If our experience is narrow, we may stick to one limited area. Those who fixate on heroic fantasy to the exclusion of other books may indeed have done so because they found the genre at an impressionable age, or because their own lives weren't varied or evolving. But readers with far-ranging reading habits, who nevertheless hold a special place in their hearts for heroic fantasy — well, it could be we love the form with good reason. A distillation of our lifelong attitudes and explorations may well find special expression in heroic fantasy.
A personal relationship with heroic fantasy isn't likely to be born of a direct parallel between life & fiction, since some heroic fantasy readers have had swashbuckling adventures (though it doesn't apply on some novels). A very few have had direct adventures of the heroic kind. The comparison between the heroic fantasy reader's life and reading tastes is apt to be more along the lines of an allegorical comparison.
In my own case, that relationships with heroic fantasy stems from my sense of life's transience, the threat & quickness of death whether from an automobile collision or cancer or having yourself at gunpoint. I experienced much of abject evil and understand that there are absolute evil and absolute innocence at odds in this world. Life is short even if nothing happens to abbreviate it further.
Dangerous as life may be, there's yet a lot to be said for it, a fact that increases the tragedy of its brevity. Inherent in feelings of life's transience is a sense of its joy and beauty. Heroic fantasy at its best observes things to be as menacing, amoral, simple, and inevitable as dying.
Heroic fantasy is, for me, a celebration of life's brief, transient joys and sorrows. When it is done well, the language has a high level of beauty. When the writing is flawed but still capable of delighting, there are yet images of stunning beauty, not invariably of a grotesque kind of beauty either.
Excellence of writing certainly adds to my enjoyment of heroic fantasy, but I've been known to get by on some pretty feeble stuff as well. The point is that the emotions is where the reader responds, whether at a high or low intellectual level. We might be looking for something other than to be dazzled by an author's mastery of.
We're all looking for something of our own spirit in what we read. Fiction is a mirror. If what shines back isn't very attractive, well, that was worth finding out. It was even entertaining. Whether the soul is blackly smeared or polished bright as steel, it is less concerned with technique than it is with intentions and events. If such tales aren't always done with the finest of grace, who's to say the awkward fellow isn't of greater genius than some refined courtier?
The point is that some of us have good taste and like heroic fantasy. That's less a conflict than may at first sound likely. It only means that for many of us, there is something special about heroic fantasy. It's close to our truth and inner vision.
As each event of the story revealed, exclamations of admiration followed. Two thumbs up with the flawless collaboration of Adam Lambert's MAD WORLD.
I like the characters to spring to life as whole human beings, not puppets dancing to some author's pipe. I like action, but not gratuitously strewn; it has to make sense & reflect the characters' attitudes & needs.
I suspect such pat truisms rarely hold much truth. I began reading horror fiction and science fiction by 10, and "grew" into fantasy. What I read in between, as an adolescent, is something I cannot return to with nostalgic delight.
Heroic fantasy like Eragon first struck a note of harmony in me. Such harmony might be discovered at any age. Since most people have reached a high reading ability by age twelve or never, chances are good that readers will indeed hit upon their own magic genre at this time.
Whatever we prefer to read is connected to our lifelong experience. If our experience is varied, our reading tastes will be likewise. If our experience is narrow, we may stick to one limited area. Those who fixate on heroic fantasy to the exclusion of other books may indeed have done so because they found the genre at an impressionable age, or because their own lives weren't varied or evolving. But readers with far-ranging reading habits, who nevertheless hold a special place in their hearts for heroic fantasy — well, it could be we love the form with good reason. A distillation of our lifelong attitudes and explorations may well find special expression in heroic fantasy.
A personal relationship with heroic fantasy isn't likely to be born of a direct parallel between life & fiction, since some heroic fantasy readers have had swashbuckling adventures (though it doesn't apply on some novels). A very few have had direct adventures of the heroic kind. The comparison between the heroic fantasy reader's life and reading tastes is apt to be more along the lines of an allegorical comparison.
In my own case, that relationships with heroic fantasy stems from my sense of life's transience, the threat & quickness of death whether from an automobile collision or cancer or having yourself at gunpoint. I experienced much of abject evil and understand that there are absolute evil and absolute innocence at odds in this world. Life is short even if nothing happens to abbreviate it further.
Dangerous as life may be, there's yet a lot to be said for it, a fact that increases the tragedy of its brevity. Inherent in feelings of life's transience is a sense of its joy and beauty. Heroic fantasy at its best observes things to be as menacing, amoral, simple, and inevitable as dying.
Heroic fantasy is, for me, a celebration of life's brief, transient joys and sorrows. When it is done well, the language has a high level of beauty. When the writing is flawed but still capable of delighting, there are yet images of stunning beauty, not invariably of a grotesque kind of beauty either.
Excellence of writing certainly adds to my enjoyment of heroic fantasy, but I've been known to get by on some pretty feeble stuff as well. The point is that the emotions is where the reader responds, whether at a high or low intellectual level. We might be looking for something other than to be dazzled by an author's mastery of.
We're all looking for something of our own spirit in what we read. Fiction is a mirror. If what shines back isn't very attractive, well, that was worth finding out. It was even entertaining. Whether the soul is blackly smeared or polished bright as steel, it is less concerned with technique than it is with intentions and events. If such tales aren't always done with the finest of grace, who's to say the awkward fellow isn't of greater genius than some refined courtier?
The point is that some of us have good taste and like heroic fantasy. That's less a conflict than may at first sound likely. It only means that for many of us, there is something special about heroic fantasy. It's close to our truth and inner vision.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
damnation =.=
after several barriers and disruptions,
(by this i mean unsupportive family members who made an assortment of desperate attempts in convincing me to retreat, sadly, their endeavours were of no avail-mission unacomplished ;D)
i finally got to literally set my hands and eyes on P.B.:T.C.F.B.I.F.
went to Sunway Carnival Mall, Seberang Jaya for the rendezvous
and at this moment,
i'm perhaps the only one owning this book in the entire nation, the sole owner
i found my "business acquaintance" quite good-looking *chuckles*
coincidentally, his name is michael as well ;)
my penang trip was ruined by terrible PMS (i'm not the one thank god) and my bleeding toenail
the only consolation : the retrieval of "my considered pricey RM 80 new sweetheart" (according to my friends) which almost figuratively flew away from my grasp
penang, in my opinion, is one ideal spot for self-indulgence
if you're as skinny as two pieces of bamboo sticks, lanky, seriously underweight with a waistline below 23 inches, a trip to penang would certainly be the best way for you to gain weight without further intensive effort
irresistible scrumptious food is 24/7 available all around the place
if you surprisingly die of starvation,
you've gotta be some brainless twerp or an impecunious lad without even a cent on you
regardless, the chances of you starving to death are like one in a million
imperfection : 1) narrow streets
causing paranoid passengers like me to be worrying about colliding into another vehicle despite the fact that it's like 5 feet away from you
2) old buildings
which are rather an eyesore
g.krantz: if i had a list of all the people who might come to visit me,
your name would be at the bottom.
somewhere below Jesus Christ and Scooby Doo
that quote applies on me to you as well ;D
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Twilight Trailer
New Moon Trailer
Eclipse Trailer
Breaking Dawn Teaser Trailer
Twilight Trailer
New Moon Trailer
Eclipse Trailer
Breaking Dawn Teaser Trailer
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
now you get it ;)
my favourite moments :
0.10-0.40 *charming smiles
1.04-1.21 *formidable anger
1.33-2.03 *brimming confidence
3.17-3.19 *had his toes amputated, ouch!
3.24-3.42 *tangible evidence that even a top genius feels forlorn and despondent too
3.51-4.01 *shows that even a top genius cries for his "facing-imminent-execution-slash-thought-to-be-dubious-and-lacking-integrity" brother and his "abandoned-him-before-he-was-born-slash-eventually-dead-from-being-shot-by-a-presumptuous-FBI-agent-who's-got-the-wrong-guy" dad
4.09 *man, that was cool ;)
4.45-4.49 *gives you the urge to rob a bank too
0.10-0.40 *charming smiles
1.04-1.21 *formidable anger
1.33-2.03 *brimming confidence
3.17-3.19 *had his toes amputated, ouch!
3.24-3.42 *tangible evidence that even a top genius feels forlorn and despondent too
3.51-4.01 *shows that even a top genius cries for his "facing-imminent-execution-slash-thought-to-be-dubious-and-lacking-integrity" brother and his "abandoned-him-before-he-was-born-slash-eventually-dead-from-being-shot-by-a-presumptuous-FBI-agent-who's-got-the-wrong-guy" dad
4.09 *man, that was cool ;)
4.45-4.49 *gives you the urge to rob a bank too
Sixth Sense
I dreamed the best thing I've ever wanted in my life. Every moment recounting on it, I immediately became intrigued because it amazed me so much. Why do we dream? Are they instructions from the spiritual world or just deep, hidden wishes that can be used to unlock the secrets of the unconscious mind? Nobody knows for sure. Then, it happened to be me flipping through "Psychology of Dreams" which occurred because curiosity is summoning my soul, which is an outrageous force that no normal person can endure.
According to the book, it says: to many people, dreams are the thoughts that occur while sleeping, having almost mystic qualities. For millennia the significance of dreams has escaped even the brightest of philosophers and intellectuals. Many people have speculated about why people dream and what meanings the dreams have but in recent times two theories have gained credibility in answering those questions. The first theory is Sigmund Freuds and the other is known as the cognitive theory of dreams also known as biological determinism.
Well this is what I conclude after digging my nose into that book. Where there are just dim lights appearing on the horizon, I chuckled, must have miss my dinner. Within a spilt of seconds, dinner was served, on fine elegant platters. As I was clutching my head, I noticed a note, folded perfectly in the shape of a square. "Stomach growling huh? Did I get the timing right?" Deja vuu, nice............
Why did you wake me up, I was holding my anger, my jaws clenched into fist, but released finally, because it is impossible to get mad at you................ Dreams are not words, though you flip through the whole dictionary, you'll probably end-up getting nothing, as no forceful words ever existed to describe them, there are beneath your soul. So, hold it to yourself!!!
According to the book, it says: to many people, dreams are the thoughts that occur while sleeping, having almost mystic qualities. For millennia the significance of dreams has escaped even the brightest of philosophers and intellectuals. Many people have speculated about why people dream and what meanings the dreams have but in recent times two theories have gained credibility in answering those questions. The first theory is Sigmund Freuds and the other is known as the cognitive theory of dreams also known as biological determinism.
Well this is what I conclude after digging my nose into that book. Where there are just dim lights appearing on the horizon, I chuckled, must have miss my dinner. Within a spilt of seconds, dinner was served, on fine elegant platters. As I was clutching my head, I noticed a note, folded perfectly in the shape of a square. "Stomach growling huh? Did I get the timing right?" Deja vuu, nice............
Why did you wake me up, I was holding my anger, my jaws clenched into fist, but released finally, because it is impossible to get mad at you................ Dreams are not words, though you flip through the whole dictionary, you'll probably end-up getting nothing, as no forceful words ever existed to describe them, there are beneath your soul. So, hold it to yourself!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
fates x.x
no, no, no
the intersection just occured and i missed him by a few minutes
merely 9 minutes, (if my calculations are correct) that seemed so insignificant, and yet subtle
a remote mistake, imperceptible at first, resulted in me deprived of the chance to seize this "MasterCard" initiative, and willingly part with RM80,
in return-the oppurtunity to own something i've been longing to get my hands on, eventually
but, any last minute distortions could show up
i guess you've just gotta be prepared for any eventuality ;(
the coalescence wasn't destined after all
the aftermath-a massive downfall
i can picture myself..walking up a cloud staircase
with that delirious feeling gradually overwhelming bit by bit as you take each arduous step
finally when you were this close to the end of the tedious path,
it turns out there was one more step than you had anticipated
you fall through bare air,
with that sickly surprised feeling in your head
one thing's for sure, i'm so gonna flunk my english paper2
guess whose fault is it?
well, 90%'s mine, undoubtedly, since i'm the candidate
the following 15% : britney spears' fault!
and you'll never know why =.=
i'm of two minds on listening to her any of her songs in the future
do i look that feeble to you?
==" Story Only...........
The sun casts it's long shadow on a whitewashed wall, it's late evening.
"I don't get used to the humidity." He snorted.
I sighed, thinking Girls, should have followed you guys to shopping.
No exception for me, five blonde guys with liquid blue eyes, examining me from head to toe. I looked like an ordinary child with sparkles on myself.
Mrs. Vernier who appeared to be weeding her lawn seemed to be curious about the sports cars parked in my front yard, at least she has not pressed her nose on the windows, yet. Teenage boys who wandered along the street began to surround it, as if the car is quarantined. Poor thing.
I sighed, again.
I know nothing on latest issues of cars. Boy, it sure looks expensive.
I wonder what their brains are consuming with now I murmured under by breath. Every second facing them seemed to be an hour, when is this going to end.
Clearly in my mind, his eyes was shining with excitement, of course, this is what will happen when guys is sharing opinions on sexual relationship.
This is disgustingly gooey, couldn't help myself with giggles, but in the end I chuckled ..............Technically, I'm not taking these seriously cus' as long as I won't get involved. Gah! mind your own business.
They have impossibly long lashes, hypnotic eyes, and most proudly, the perfection of their features. An ordinary person like me couldn't help running gaze at them, surreptitiously. It was like goddess Aurora who had just appeared in front of you suddenly, and you, happened to be going against human needs, breathe I remind myself. Sometimes I stared into their eyes, trying to decipher their emotions that smoldered just under the surface. They would gaze back, and the casual pretense slipped away. After a few seconds, my cheeks burnt hot, blushing.
Crap, I must have looked hideous right now.
"So, when are you guys leaving." I said in a wry manner and kinda harsh, I thought. At the same time, supervising my mum as she paced back and forth, watching her as she is trying to recall what she was supposed to do next.
"Dinner will be ready, soon. Considering your appetites, it would be a hard job." One of them laughed, gasping a little, low enough to hear, though.
"Fortnight." his voice was suddenly colored with enthusiasm, he sounded like he was planning for something........interesting. His velvet voice painted the picture in my head before I could block it. Personal........private????? Urgh, savage thoughts impinging in my mind.
Jordan will be hysterical with the joy- though she swear she would not be surprised at all. My face fell ever so slightly. Whatever "fortnight" means is an indication that they are staying longer. I'm a quick-learner, could have proved myself right looking at their facial expression.
"Which is............" I asked, in reply.
"Two weeks."
Two weeks of suffer. No, in an additional of 8 hours 42 minutes. To be more define, it is a 20682-minutes-countdown. I shrugged, it's getting colder these days, their existence surely mess up with the warm atmosphere where the house has once been.
Deeply in their sights, I felt that there are something forbidden in each and everyone of them. Which they don't want to let anyone to get even the faintest idea of them, trying to protect their own virtue. Unfortunately, their eyes will never lie.
My brain is consumed with the puzzled thought of their visit. Where as the other portion of my anatomy is equally interested in investigating the matter further. I am as sure as hell that they won't be welcoming any in-depth discussions.
"I don't get used to the humidity." He snorted.
I sighed, thinking Girls, should have followed you guys to shopping.
No exception for me, five blonde guys with liquid blue eyes, examining me from head to toe. I looked like an ordinary child with sparkles on myself.
Mrs. Vernier who appeared to be weeding her lawn seemed to be curious about the sports cars parked in my front yard, at least she has not pressed her nose on the windows, yet. Teenage boys who wandered along the street began to surround it, as if the car is quarantined. Poor thing.
I sighed, again.
I know nothing on latest issues of cars. Boy, it sure looks expensive.
I wonder what their brains are consuming with now I murmured under by breath. Every second facing them seemed to be an hour, when is this going to end.
Clearly in my mind, his eyes was shining with excitement, of course, this is what will happen when guys is sharing opinions on sexual relationship.
This is disgustingly gooey, couldn't help myself with giggles, but in the end I chuckled ..............Technically, I'm not taking these seriously cus' as long as I won't get involved. Gah! mind your own business.
They have impossibly long lashes, hypnotic eyes, and most proudly, the perfection of their features. An ordinary person like me couldn't help running gaze at them, surreptitiously. It was like goddess Aurora who had just appeared in front of you suddenly, and you, happened to be going against human needs, breathe I remind myself. Sometimes I stared into their eyes, trying to decipher their emotions that smoldered just under the surface. They would gaze back, and the casual pretense slipped away. After a few seconds, my cheeks burnt hot, blushing.
Crap, I must have looked hideous right now.
"So, when are you guys leaving." I said in a wry manner and kinda harsh, I thought. At the same time, supervising my mum as she paced back and forth, watching her as she is trying to recall what she was supposed to do next.
"Dinner will be ready, soon. Considering your appetites, it would be a hard job." One of them laughed, gasping a little, low enough to hear, though.
"Fortnight." his voice was suddenly colored with enthusiasm, he sounded like he was planning for something........interesting. His velvet voice painted the picture in my head before I could block it. Personal........private????? Urgh, savage thoughts impinging in my mind.
Jordan will be hysterical with the joy- though she swear she would not be surprised at all. My face fell ever so slightly. Whatever "fortnight" means is an indication that they are staying longer. I'm a quick-learner, could have proved myself right looking at their facial expression.
"Which is............" I asked, in reply.
"Two weeks."
Two weeks of suffer. No, in an additional of 8 hours 42 minutes. To be more define, it is a 20682-minutes-countdown. I shrugged, it's getting colder these days, their existence surely mess up with the warm atmosphere where the house has once been.
Deeply in their sights, I felt that there are something forbidden in each and everyone of them. Which they don't want to let anyone to get even the faintest idea of them, trying to protect their own virtue. Unfortunately, their eyes will never lie.
My brain is consumed with the puzzled thought of their visit. Where as the other portion of my anatomy is equally interested in investigating the matter further. I am as sure as hell that they won't be welcoming any in-depth discussions.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
walk away
first of all,
birthday greetings to people whom i doubt i'll ever have the chance to meet
birthday greetings to people whom i doubt i'll ever have the chance to meet

wentworth miller !!
prison break has come to an end
simultaneously some ppl take this as an indication of a fullstop to his career
there has been incessant critics about him being gay
why can't these twerps get a life?
how would you like it?
to have a fusillade of callous comments fired at you all the time?
happy birthday anyway!
you have my 101% acutely adamant support ;)
prison break has come to an end
simultaneously some ppl take this as an indication of a fullstop to his career
there has been incessant critics about him being gay
why can't these twerps get a life?
how would you like it?
to have a fusillade of callous comments fired at you all the time?
happy birthday anyway!
you have my 101% acutely adamant support ;)

sarah wayne callies
another prison break cast (:
nothing much to say since my support towards her has been dissipating since s3, sorryy
i feel guilty saying that (daft huh,, i'm so paranoid)
next,, a few MSSS pictures i would like to share :0
you won't be able to spot me in most of them since the spotlight is on my wacky teammates ;D
they're funky, hillarious...indescribable
a couple of ppl who can get really crazy when they're off the hook
but i wasn't able to blend in with them cuz i've only known them for a few days
and i'm not that sociable at the same time
anyway here goes..
another prison break cast (:
nothing much to say since my support towards her has been dissipating since s3, sorryy
i feel guilty saying that (daft huh,, i'm so paranoid)
next,, a few MSSS pictures i would like to share :0
you won't be able to spot me in most of them since the spotlight is on my wacky teammates ;D
they're funky, hillarious...indescribable
a couple of ppl who can get really crazy when they're off the hook
but i wasn't able to blend in with them cuz i've only known them for a few days
and i'm not that sociable at the same time
anyway here goes..
i'm the one at the back, trying to dry my shirt with a hairdryer -.-
it's not gross,
depends on how you look at it (my new quote from asoue)
i hate the bed sheet, the patterns, colours and all
back row : huey yi. pei ling. xue mei. yi an
i kinda like this, although i look idiotic
i kinda like this, although i look idiotic
last thing,
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