Wednesday, June 3, 2009

walk away

first of all,
birthday greetings to people who
m i doubt i'll ever have the chance to meet

wentworth miller !!
prison break has come to an end
simultaneously some ppl take this as an indication of a fullstop to his career
there has been incessant critics about him being gay
why can't these twerps get a life?

how would you like it?
to have a fusillade of callous comments fired at you all the time?

happy birthday anyway!

ou have my 101% acutely adamant support ;)

*my fav picture of him*


sarah wayne callies
another prison break cast (:

nothing much to say since my support towards her has been dissipating since s3, sorryy
i feel guilty saying that (daft huh,, i'm so paranoid)
next,, a few MSSS pictures i would like to share :0
you won't be able to spot me in most of them since the spotlight is on my wacky teammates ;D
they're funky, hillarious
a couple of ppl who can get really crazy when they're off the hook
but i wasn't able to blend in with them cuz i've only known them for a few days
and i'm not that sociable at the same time

anyway here goes..

marie, our beloved vice captain
that's "pinky" on her lap


i have no idea what she's holding (it's not her phone anyway)

crazy bed war ;0
i'm the one at the back, trying to dry my shirt with a hairdryer -.-

chi ling and wenn chyi
it's not gross,
depends on how you look at it (my new quote from asoue)

persia, huey yi, wenn chyi, brenda, zi xuen
pei ling,
me ( i look so..anti-social ) gah

who's the fairest among us all? ;))

i hate the bed sheet, the patterns, colours and all

my fav picture of all ;D

me doing my hair
marie hiding her head

(left to right)
front row : persia. me. marie
back row : huey yi. pei ling. xue mei. yi an
i kinda like this, although i look idiotic

last thing,

guess who do they belong to? ;))

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