Wednesday, June 10, 2009

now you get it ;)

my favourite moments :
0.10-0.40 *charming smiles
1.04-1.21 *formidable anger
1.33-2.03 *brimming confidence
3.17-3.19 *had his toes amputated, ouch!
3.24-3.42 *tangible evidence that even a top genius feels forlorn and despondent too
3.51-4.01 *shows that even a top genius cries for his "facing-imminent-execution-slash-thought-to-be-dubious-and-lacking-integrity" brother and his "abandoned-him-before-he-was-born-slash-eventually-dead-from-being-shot-by-a-presumptuous-FBI-agent-who's-got-the-wrong-guy" dad
4.09 *man, that was cool ;)
4.45-4.49 *gives you the urge to rob a bank too

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