Saturday, March 14, 2009


today's birthday gathering..
it was far from what i had expected =.=
err i guess i'll describe it as a total wash-out
or maybe i'm just exasperating
we skated for like 2 hours, merely
what happened before that..urgh
it's something i don't want to recall
cuz it'll only remind me of how daft and gormless i was.
skating was fun..but thanks to my useless socks i have two plasters on each of my ankles :(
it stings horribly whenever the tiniest, slightest drop of water gets in contact with that particular part
me and shiinyi tried (intensively but effortlessly) to teach liwei how to skate
but neither of us were good "educators", and i'm not a brilliant skater myself
nevertheless, she's capable of maintaining her balance in a better way now
i fell thrice,
and honestly i don't really know how i fell
everything seemed to happen so abruptly till my brain couldn't interpret quick enough to react in the normal way
the six of us were just standing there
i guess my legs went numb and somehow tangled themselves till i lost my balance
so i landed on my ass, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE x.x
how abashing is that?? i guess i MUST have looked exceedingly hilarious..
*my jeans looked like they just came out from the washing machine*
but there was a crowd, so i din really enjoyed myself
cuz i couldn't skate freely and swift enough, without considering the fact that i may accidentally crash heavily into someone
we had lunch somewhere at asian avenue (i forgot the name of the restaurant)
seckvoon and daph had some super-duper pedas korean food
which turned my water pipe on
sy and lw went shopping while jeremiah sat there reading yu-gi-oh =.='
what a funny thing to do ;D
after lunch, we camwhored
plus had fun shooting balls into hoops at the game machines ;)
shiinyi was busy editing the pictures they took
while me, daph, my sis, seckvoon and jeremiah bought some tokens and tried the shooting game
seckvoon went a lil mad,
remember the fact that when she goes crazy,
she influences the ppl around her, then everybody goes insane too =D
i just vaguely remember flunking the balls at the hoop, furiously and as fast as i could
*when was the last time i've felt so crazy?? ages ago*
it's fun, to spend some valuable time with your friends, doing crazy stuff
it was such a plain, simple matter,
and yet i felt like all the stress, pressure, mood swings that i've been experiencing throughout this period has been released
anyway i realize that my shooting skills have gone haywire, lacking training, *shoot*
could be possibly going to the gym, for the first time, tomorrow
it's just a one week trial...i'll exercise as much as i can ;)

1 comment:

$$^^%%Issabella%%^^$$™. said...

Wow you write alot i bearly do!!