Monday, November 2, 2009

each of the remaining eight weight me down with an increasing heartache
eight ponderous anchors, rusty indeed
i wish i could blame it on
"the anxiety of having to use a calculator with fading, virtually transparent numbers on its screen"
and say
"it's so unfair, you'd freak out if your calculator broke down seconds before your big business"
*how much more ill-fated can you get?
"then you've gotta rush around the office like a mad cow
tryna borrow one under the austere, dissaproving-and not to mention "i-told-you-so" glints impinged on you
but if i had retained my composure and tranquility instead,
there would have been a slight twist to what lies before my eyes now
so in the end all the blame is projected on solicitousness instead
to me,
poignant regrets don't mean failing without knowing how you did
it's to fail when you knew exactly what you could have done
but couldn't have done so
best regards to you,
gracias por hacer mi dia
usted es el faro de luz en la oscuridad inmensa

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