Monday, January 5, 2009

back to school..

well today was the first day of a form 2
it was a bad bad sad sad day x(
first of all, the teachers sucked..a lot. =.=
esp the geografi one. i would've loved to slap her stupid hideous face.
she's so high and mighty,,like she's the queen of trash..
second of all, i hate my place. it's so hot and way too behind..
i wana sit with liwei, weisin etc.
although js's nice but i'm not that close to her :((.. *sigh*
the whole day was absolutely boringg..
nothing to do, nothing to talk..meaningless
wish i had skipped school, stayed at home and watched DH. instead
some ppl were switched to efisien and gigih.
shiinyi, daphne, kaixin, kaining, seck voon, huishean, liauziyong, jeremiah etc
i'm soo gonna miss daphne and shiinyi..:)
perhaps things will change tomorrow..
it'll be a better day..i hope so..

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